My Typo3 boilerplate setup provider extension

A couple of years ago I started using custom provider extensions for a more convenient way of getting my Typo3 projects started. Html templates, Typoscript files and assets, such as images, css and js files, are contained in a project extension. In this article I want to share about my way of setting up Typo3 projects.

When I got started building Typo3 websites around 10 years ago it was common practice to place all html templates and asset files somewhere in the fileadmin/ directory. I soon gave up on the traditional way of placing Typoscript code in the Typoscript-Templates as well and store it in external files somewhere in the fileadmin/ as well. Having configuration in the database is just not a good idea.

When Fluidtypo3 came out I switched my preferred way of Typo3 templating to the “fluidpages” extension, using “flux”, “vhs” and as well “fluidcontent” (Extension for creating custom elements). Soon I discovered the idea of a “provider extension“, placing all of the template, typoscript and images in a custom extension.  This not just let’s me version control better, but gives me a much better workflow as well. To set up a website, I install the Typo3 core, my provider extension dependency extensions and the provider extension. After adding the basic pagetree and adapting a couple of properties I’m ready to go.

Feel free to clone and adapt it from my Github repository.

(This extension is work in progress and meant to be a starting point. Installation guide is provided in the repo, but Typo3 knowledge is required)