After updating a website containing custom extensions built by the extension_builder I encountered the problem of my text fields not showing the RTE anymore.
Continue reading RTE in custom extension not shown after update to Typo3 7
After updating a website containing custom extensions built by the extension_builder I encountered the problem of my text fields not showing the RTE anymore.
Continue reading RTE in custom extension not shown after update to Typo3 7
Fetching data via ajax from your typo3 website frontend can be done with an eid script or a custom typoscript page object targeted with it’s own pagetype. The latter is explained in this post.
Sometimes it’s necessary to get tt_content data in a custom extbase extension. Because Typo3 doesn’t provide a model for the tt_content table we have to find a workaround. Extbase table mapping is the solution here.
Continue reading Get tt_content data in your extbase extension
Extending an extbase model of a Typo3 extension for custom fields is a commonly needed feature and quite easy to implement, once you figured out the necessary steps. In this post I am going to explain how a custom field is added in the case of extending the popular extension news for the custom field subtitle.
Continue reading Extend a Typo3 Extbase model with custom field