Get tt_content data in your extbase extension

Sometimes it’s necessary to getĀ tt_content data in a custom extbase extension. Because Typo3 doesn’t provide a model for the tt_content table we have to find a workaround. Extbase table mapping is the solution here.

This approach is quite simpel and three files a need only.

In this file we are defining the model namespace, target table and the mappings of all fields we want to use (fieldname -> model-property)

The model containing all the getter-methods for accessing the tt_content data.

An empty default repository extending a default extbase repository with optional methods for retrieving data.

Model vendor name and extension names of all code must be altered to yours.

Setup.txt code:

config.tx_extbase {
        enableAutomaticCacheClearing = 1
        updateReferenceIndex = 0
        classes {
            LuJa\ContentAutocomplete\Domain\Model\Content {
                mapping {
                    tableName = tt_content
                    columns {
                        uid.mapOnProperty = uid
                        pid.mapOnProperty = pid
                        sorting.mapOnProperty = sorting
                        CType.mapOnProperty = contentType
                        header.mapOnProperty = header

(columns area has table field on the left and model properties on the right side)


namespace LuJa\ContentAutocomplete\Domain\Model;

 * Content
class Content extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity {

    * uid
    * @var string
   protected $uid = '';

    * pid
    * @var string
   protected $pid = '';

    * header
    * @var string
   protected $header = '';

    * sorting
    * @var string
   protected $sorting = '';

    * contentType
    * @var string
   protected $contentType = '';

    * Gets the uid
    * @return string $uid
   public function getUid() {
      return $this->uid;
    * Gets the pid
    * @return string $pid
   public function getPid() {
      return $this->pid;

    * Returns the header
    * @return string $header
   public function getHeader() {
      return $this->header;

    * Sets the header
    * @param string $header
    * @return void
   public function setHeader($header) {
      $this->header = $header;

    * Returns the sorting
    * @return string $sorting
   public function getSorting() {
      return $this->sorting;

    * Sets the sorting
    * @param string $sorting
    * @return void
   public function setSorting($sorting) {
      $this->sorting = $sorting;

    * Returns the contentType
    * @return string $contentType
   public function getContentType() {
      return $this->contentType;

    * Sets the contentType
    * @param string $contentType
    * @return void
   public function setContentType($contentType) {
      $this->contentType = $contentType;



namespace LuJa\ContentAutocomplete\Domain\Repository;

 * The repository for Contents
class ContentRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository {

Now it’s possible to get all tt_content data inside your controller with the following code:

 * contentRepository
 * @var \LuJa\ContentAutocomplete\Domain\Repository\ContentRepository
 * @inject
protected $contentRepository = NULL;

 * action list
 * @return void
public function listAction() {
   $contents = $this->contentRepository->findAll();
   $this->view->assign('contents', $contents);


  • Static Extension Typoscript Template is not included in the main template
  • storagePid is not set or wrong (alternatively set setRespectStoragePage to false)